Large installations

“Notes” is a three floors paper installation inspired by La monumentale Symphonie number 2 “Résurrection” by Gustav Mahler played by the Symphonic Orchestra of Montreal the same night.

Created for the annual ball for the Symphonic Orchestra of Montreal. “Note” is my own visual interpretation of a score with all the notes, the clefs, the silences, and more flying in the air like a melody. Music has always been in my heart and I’m glad to have created this installation for such a prestigious institution.

This installation is composed of 1800 folding paper elements, all folded by hand at my studio: a monumental work of handiwork.

note pauline loctin symphonic orchestra of montreal bal art installatin paper sculpture
pauline loctin note symphonique orchestra montreal paper art installation sculpture
pauline loctin note symphonique orchestra montreal paper art installation sculpture


Thank you to my team and my folding assistants @lysvonasta @atelierperluette @em.yogini @emieprou @__kar.e.n__ @fred___ @mel._i_.ssa.g @andelahope @noemie_pech @lenny_iden @livanasoussi @lalani.rehan @soniaamm
And thank you @umakefactory and @juliette_sarrazin and her team for helping me hang 1800 paper origamis in the air.
Flower arrangement by @fauchoisfleurs
Lights by @hublot51

pauline loctin note symphonique orchestra montreal art installation

Lexus National Tour


Nespresso "Doing is everything"